Winsor & Newton Professional Acrylic Colour 200ml

Professional Acrylic is Winsor & Newton's finest quality acrylic paint range and represents a breakthrough in acrylic colour technology.
The unrivalled colour brilliance is evident straight out of the tube with:
- Stronger colours
- Single high grade pigments
- No colour shift from wet to dry finish
Professional Acrylic Paint dries quickly, allowing artists to over paint within minutes and build up multiple layers during one painting session. The new unique binder that is translucent when wet and dries clear ensures there is virtually no shift in colour at all and colours remain as brilliant when dry as they are when wet.
- Naphthol Red Medium (423)0357250 - #0094376991215Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 273 g
- Permanent Rose Quinacridone (502)0357290 - #0094376991260Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 250 g
- Permanent Alizarin Crimson (466)0357280 - #094376991253Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 256 g
- Dioxazine Purple (229)0357170 - #0094376991147Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 250 g
- Ultramarine Blue (664)0357390 - #0094376937244Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 282 g
- Cobalt Blue (178)0357150 - #0094376991123Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 300 g
- Phthalo Blue Green Shade (515)0357320 - #0094376991284Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 250 g
- Cerulean Blue Hue (139)0357140 - #0094376991109Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 280 g
- Hookers Green (311)0357190 - #0094376991161Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 292 g
- Permanent Sap Green (503)0357300 - #0094376991277Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 250 g
- Olive Green (447)0357260 - #0094376991239Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 251 g
- Buff Titanium (060)0357030 - #0094376991000Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 333 g
- Naples Yellow (422)0357240 - #0094376991222Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 330 g
- Yellow Ochre (744)0357400 - #0094376937251Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 310 g
- Raw Sienna (552)0357340 - #0094376991314Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 280 g
- Burnt Sienna (074)0357040 - #0094376991017Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 270 g
- Raw Umber (554)0357350 - #0094376991321Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 270 g
- Burnt Umber (076)0357050 - #0094376991024Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 288 g
- Payne's Grey (465)0357270 - #0094376991246Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 292 g
- Ivory Black (331)0357210 - #0094376991185Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 279 g
- Mars Black (386)0357220 - #0094376991192Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 332 g
- Mixing White (415)0357230 - #0094376991208Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 273 g
- Titanium White (644)0357380 - #0094376937237Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 320 g
Barcode | Length (mm) | Width (mm) | Height (mm) | Weight (g) | |
EDP:0357250 Naphthol Red Medium (423) | 0094376991215 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 273 |
EDP:0357290 Permanent Rose Quinacridone (502) | 0094376991260 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 250 |
EDP:0357280 Permanent Alizarin Crimson (466) | 094376991253 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 256 |
EDP:0357170 Dioxazine Purple (229) | 0094376991147 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 250 |
EDP:0357390 Ultramarine Blue (664) | 0094376937244 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 282 |
EDP:0357150 Cobalt Blue (178) | 0094376991123 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 300 |
EDP:0357320 Phthalo Blue Green Shade (515) | 0094376991284 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 250 |
EDP:0357140 Cerulean Blue Hue (139) | 0094376991109 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 280 |
EDP:0357190 Hookers Green (311) | 0094376991161 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 292 |
EDP:0357300 Permanent Sap Green (503) | 0094376991277 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 250 |
EDP:0357260 Olive Green (447) | 0094376991239 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 251 |
EDP:0357030 Buff Titanium (060) | 0094376991000 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 333 |
EDP:0357240 Naples Yellow (422) | 0094376991222 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 330 |
EDP:0357400 Yellow Ochre (744) | 0094376937251 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 310 |
EDP:0357340 Raw Sienna (552) | 0094376991314 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 280 |
EDP:0357040 Burnt Sienna (074) | 0094376991017 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 270 |
EDP:0357350 Raw Umber (554) | 0094376991321 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 270 |
EDP:0357050 Burnt Umber (076) | 0094376991024 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 288 |
EDP:0357270 Payne's Grey (465) | 0094376991246 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 292 |
EDP:0357210 Ivory Black (331) | 0094376991185 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 279 |
EDP:0357220 Mars Black (386) | 0094376991192 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 332 |
EDP:0357230 Mixing White (415) | 0094376991208 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 273 |
EDP:0357380 Titanium White (644) | 0094376937237 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 320 |
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