Winsor & Newton Galeria Acrylic Colour 250ml

Winsor & Newton's Galeria Acrylic Paint range is the best acrylic paint for affordability without compromising on quality of pigment, lightfastness and consistency.
Made with high levels of pigment, Winsor & Newton's Galeria Acrylic Paint will satisfy student work as well as professional artwork. Compared to other similar priced brands, paintings created with Winsor & Newton's Galeria Acrylic Paint will not fade, maintaining the original colour for decades, due to the care Winsor & Newton has taken to select pure pigments.
Winsor & Newton's Galeria Acrylic Paint has a smooth consistency and dries to a satin sheen. Experiment and complete your painting with Winsor & Newton's complementing Galeria Meduims and Varnishes.
- Pale Lemon (434)0348100 - #0094376971828Length: 138 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 67 mmWeight: 350 g
- Cadmium Yellow Medium Hue (120)0348010 - #0094376914207Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 351 g
- Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue (115)0347990 - #0094376914191Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 350 g
- Cadmium Orange Hue (090)0347960 - #0094376914160Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 360 g
- Vermillion Hue (682)0348300 - #0094376914351Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 380 g
- Cadmium Red Hue (095)0347970 - #0094376914177Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 370 g
- Crimson (203)0348040 - #0094376914238Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 360 g
- Permanent Alizarin Crimson (466)0363300 - #0094376987171Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 350 g
- Permanent Rose (502)0348220 - #0094376914290Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 370 g
- Opera Rose (448)0348170 - #0094376971798Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 360 g
- Permanent Magenta (488)0348210 - #0094376914283Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 370 g
- Burgundy (075)0347940 - #0094376971835Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 370 g
- Pale Violet (444)0348140 - #0094376971842Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 380 g
- Powder Blue (446)0348150 - #0094376971859Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 390 g
- Winsor Blue (706)0348310 - #0094376914368Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 370 g
- Cerulean Blue Hue (138)0348020 - #0094376914214Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 380 g
- Olive Green (447)0348160 - #0094376971927Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 370 g
- Permanent Green Light (483)0348190 - #0094376914269Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 370 g
- Permanent Green Middle (484)0348200 - #0094376914276Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 358 g
- Permanent Green Deep (482)0348180 - #0094376914252Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 360 g
- Yellow Ochre (744)0348330 - #0094376914382Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 380 g
- Raw Sienna (552)0348250 - #0094376914313Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 330 g
- Burnt Umber (076)0347950 - #0094376914153Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 350 g
- Pale Umber (438)0348130 - #0094376971897Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 380 g
- Raw Umber (554)0348260 - #0094376914320Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 330 g
- Mars Black (386)0348080 - #0094376914245Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 400 g
- Mixing White (415)0348090 - #0094376971903Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 350 g
- Titanium White (644)0348270 - #094376914337Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 430 g
- Gold (283)0363330 - #0094376899542Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 122 mmWeight: 320 g
- Copper (214)0348050 - #0094376971934Length: 138 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 67 mmWeight: 350 g
Barcode | Length (mm) | Width (mm) | Height (mm) | Weight (g) | |
EDP:0348100 Pale Lemon (434) | 0094376971828 | 138 | 67 | 67 | 350 |
EDP:0348010 Cadmium Yellow Medium Hue (120) | 0094376914207 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 351 |
EDP:0347990 Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue (115) | 0094376914191 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 350 |
EDP:0347960 Cadmium Orange Hue (090) | 0094376914160 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 360 |
EDP:0348300 Vermillion Hue (682) | 0094376914351 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 380 |
EDP:0347970 Cadmium Red Hue (095) | 0094376914177 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 370 |
EDP:0348040 Crimson (203) | 0094376914238 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 360 |
EDP:0363300 Permanent Alizarin Crimson (466) | 0094376987171 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 350 |
EDP:0348220 Permanent Rose (502) | 0094376914290 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 370 |
EDP:0348170 Opera Rose (448) | 0094376971798 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 360 |
EDP:0348210 Permanent Magenta (488) | 0094376914283 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 370 |
EDP:0347940 Burgundy (075) | 0094376971835 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 370 |
EDP:0348140 Pale Violet (444) | 0094376971842 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 380 |
EDP:0348150 Powder Blue (446) | 0094376971859 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 390 |
EDP:0348310 Winsor Blue (706) | 0094376914368 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 370 |
EDP:0348020 Cerulean Blue Hue (138) | 0094376914214 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 380 |
EDP:0348160 Olive Green (447) | 0094376971927 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 370 |
EDP:0348190 Permanent Green Light (483) | 0094376914269 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 370 |
EDP:0348200 Permanent Green Middle (484) | 0094376914276 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 358 |
EDP:0348180 Permanent Green Deep (482) | 0094376914252 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 360 |
EDP:0348330 Yellow Ochre (744) | 0094376914382 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 380 |
EDP:0348250 Raw Sienna (552) | 0094376914313 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 330 |
EDP:0347950 Burnt Umber (076) | 0094376914153 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 350 |
EDP:0348130 Pale Umber (438) | 0094376971897 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 380 |
EDP:0348260 Raw Umber (554) | 0094376914320 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 330 |
EDP:0348080 Mars Black (386) | 0094376914245 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 400 |
EDP:0348090 Mixing White (415) | 0094376971903 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 350 |
EDP:0348270 Titanium White (644) | 094376914337 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 430 |
EDP:0363330 Gold (283) | 0094376899542 | 67 | 67 | 122 | 320 |
EDP:0348050 Copper (214) | 0094376971934 | 138 | 67 | 67 | 350 |
- DownloadGaleria Acrylic Colour